Kristy D. Bock

Category: Neuse News Columns

Neuse News Columns

What is in a name?

Picture this: You’ve been excitedly planning your first-ever cruise for months. You’ve picked out your outfits, researched shore excursions, and made a packing list.

Neuse News Columns

Paying the price of ignorance

The term loan shark carries a negative connotation. On television, he’s the guy who sends his goons after people who don’t pay what they agreed to pay. In real life, he’s a business that lends money to high-risk recipients.

Neuse News Columns

Owning my hypocrisy

The first interaction I had with law enforcement happened before I reached double digits in age. The sight of a police vehicle became synonymous with losing all that was familiar to me.

Neuse News Columns

When to think, when to pray, when to plan, when to do

When I was in the corporate world, I was given the role of a leader. It didn’t come naturally to me, and if I’m being honest, I wasn’t very good at it. I understood that if the team failed, I failed

You get what you pay for

There is a meme going around Facebook that chides employed individuals for saying “That’s not my job.” The meme goes on to say that the phrase oozes arrogance and laziness

The Social Agenda

The weaponization of fear has become the new normal, with both sides of a hidden war embracing a deadly virus as their flag. The left, the right, the conservatives, the progressives, QAnon and Antifa have more in common than dissension
